nedelja, 17. oktober 2010

Kaj se zgodi z iPhonom, če ga pošljemo z balonom v vesolje?

Oče in sin iz New Yorka sta se odločila, da pošljeta svoj iPhone v vesolje. Po dolgih mesecih načrtovanja sta sredi avgusta letos telefon pripela na balon in ga poslala v stratosfero. Naprava je preživela 160km/h vetrove, temperaturo -50°C, in se ustavila na višini 30.500 metrov. Spodaj si poglej, kaj je posnela kamera in se čudi.

The father-and-son team from Brooklyn managed to send their homemade spacecraft up nearly 19 miles, high into the stratosphere, bringing back perhaps the most impressive amateur space footage ever. The duo housed the video camera, iPhone, and GPS equipment in a specially designed insulated casing, along with some hand-warmers and a note from Max requesting its safe return from whomever may find it after making it back to solid ground. All told, father and son spent eight months preparing for their homemade journey into space, in hopes of filming "the blackness beyond our earth."

"It would have to survive 100 mph winds, temperatures of 60 degrees below zero, speeds of over 150 mph, and the high risk of a water landing. To retrieve the craft, it would need to deploy a parachute, descend through the clouds and transmit a GPS coordinate to a cell phone tower. Then we have to find it.

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