nedelja, 28. november 2010

104 eskimske besede za sneg

Glede na ogromne količine snega v zadnjih dneh pri nas in po svetu si je pametno prebrati vsaj polovico od 104-ih besed (torej 52 besed) za sneg v “Eskimščini”. Si lahko predstavljate kakšen sneg imajo v mislih Eskimi, ko rečejo "pečen" ali "ocvrt" sneg? Jaz že ne. ;)

·         Lapa           powder snow
·         Tlacringit      snow that is crusted on the surface
·         Kayi            drifting snow
·         Tlapat          still snow
·         Klin            remembered snow
·         Naklin          forgotten snow
·         Tlamo           snow that falls in large wet flakes
·         Tlatim          snow that falls in small flakes
·         Tlaslo          snow that falls slowly
·         Tlapinti        snow that falls quickly
·         Kripya          snow that has melted and refrozen
·         Tliyel          snow that has been marked by wolves
·         Tliyelin        snow that has been marked by eskimos
·         Blotla          blowing snow
·         Pactla          snow that has been packed down
·         Hiryla          snow in beards
·         Wa-ter          melted snow
·         Tlayinq         snow mixed with mud
·         Quinaya         snow mixed with husky shit
·         Quinyaya        snow mixed with the shit of a lead dog
·         Slimtla         snow that is crusted on top but soft underneath
·         Kriplyana       snow that looks blue in the early morning
·         Puntla          a mouthful of snow because you fibbed
·         Allatla         baked snow
·         Fritla          fried snow
·         Gristla         deep fried snow
·         Mactla          snow burgers
·         Jatla           snow between your fingers or toes, or in groin-folds
·         Dinliltla       little balls of snow that cling to husky fur
·         Sulitlana       green snow
·         Mentlana        pink snow
·         Tidtla          snow used for cleaning
·         Ertla           snow used by eskimo teenagers for exquisite erotic rituals
·         Kriyantli       snow bricks
·         Hahatla         small packages of snow given as gag gifts
·         Semtla          partially melted snow
·         Ontla           snow on objects

·         Intla           snow that has drifted indoors
·         Shlim           slush
·         Warintla        snow used to make eskimo daiquiris
·         Mextla          snow used to make eskimo margaritas
·         Penstla         the idea of snow
·         Mortla          snow mounded on dead bodies
·         Ylaipi          tomorrow's snow
·         Nylaipin        the snows of yesteryear ("neiges d'antan")
·         Pritla          our children's snow
·         Nootlin         snow that doesn't stick
·         Rotlana         quickly accumulating snow
·         Skriniya        snow that never reaches the ground
·         Bluwid          snow that's shaken down from objects in the wind
·         Tlanid          snow that's shaken down and then mixes with sky-falling snow
·         Ever-tla        a spirit made from mashed fermented snow,
·         Talini          snow angels
·         Priyakli        snow that looks like it's falling upward
·         Chiup           snow that makes halos
·         Blontla         snow that's shaken off in the mudroom
·         Tlalman         snow sold to german tourists
·         Tlalam          snow sold to american tourists
·         Tlanip          snow sold to japanese tourists
·         Protla          snow packed around caribou meat
·         Attla           snow that as it falls seems to create nice pictures
·         Sotla           snow sparkling with sunlight
·         Tlun            snow sparkling with moonlight
·         Astrila         snow sparkling with starlight
·         Clim            snow sparkling with flashlight or headlight
·         Tlapi           summer snow
·         Krikaya         snow mixed with breath
·         Ashtla          expected snow that's wagered on (depth, size of flakes)
·         Huantla         special snow rolled into "snow reefers" and smoked
·         Tla-na-na       snow mixed with the sound of old rock and roll
·         Depptla         a small snowball, preserved in lucite, that had been handled
·         Trinkyi         first snow of the year
·         Tronkyin        last snow of the year
·         Shiya           snow at dawn
·         Katiyana        night snow
·         Tlinro          snow vapor
·         Nyik            snow with flakes of widely varying size
·         Ragnitla        two snowfalls at once, creating moire patterns
·         Akitla          snow falling on water
·         Privtla         snow melting in the spring rain
·         Chahatlin       snow that makes a sizzling sound as it falls on water
·         Hootlin         snow that makes a hissing sound as the
·         Geltla          snow dollars
·         Briktla         good building snow
·         Striktla        snow that's no good for building
·         Erolinyat       snow drifts containing the imprint of crazy lovers
·         Chachat         swirling snow that drives you nuts
·         Krotla          snow that blinds you
·         Tlarin          snow that can be sculpted into the delicate corsages
·         Motla           snow in the mouth
·         Sotla           snow in the south
·         Maxtla          snow that hides the whole village
·         Tlayopi         snow drifts you fall into and die
·         Truyi           avalanche of snow
·         Tlapripta       snow that burns your scalp and eyelids
·         Carpitla        snow glazed with ice
·         Tla             ordinary snow